4:30 p.m.
I. Roll Call
II. Audience to Visitors
III. Consideration of Policy Recommendations from PRESS and legal counsel:
1.30............. School District Philosophy
2.10 ............ School District Governance
2.130........... Board-Superintendent Relationship
2.240........... Board Policy Development
5.10............. Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
6.145........... Migrant Students
6.160........... English Learners
6.235........... Access to Electronic Networks
6.260........... Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs
8.90............. Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
IV. Other Policies for Discussion
7.60............. Residence
6.300........... Graduation Requirements
V. Announcements
Next meeting: TBD
VI. Adjournment