Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

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Monday, December 15, 2008 - 6:30pm


North Boone Community Unit School District #200
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
North Boone Middle School Library
17641 Poplar Grove Road, Poplar Grove, IL 61065
Monday, December 15, 2008
6:30 PM 
The Mission of the North Boone educational community is to provide exceptional
experiences that vigorously develop the minds and character of the 21st Century learner.
I.      Call to Order by the President
II.     Roll Call by the Secretary
III.    Speakers
IV.   Audience to Visitors
V.    Approval of Agenda
VI.   Reports – Administrative Reports
A.    NBHS Brief Update: School Resource Officer and New High School Sports
B.    NBHS Recognition of Mike Wesbecher
C.    Thank You to NBCUSD from Belvidere/Boone County Food Pantry
D.    Strategic Plan Integrated into Board Agenda
VII. Committee Reports
Policy Committee
Business Services Committee
Facility/Long Range Planning Committee
Curriculum Instruction Committee
Other Committee Report
VIII. Treasurer’s Report
IX. Consent Agenda
The Board on an individual basis prior to the meeting has reviewed all these items. All financial reports are available for review by the public in the business office. Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by the Board in one motion. There will be no discussion of these items at this time unless a member(s) of the Board requests specific items to be removed from the Consent Agenda.
A.    Minutes of the Regular Meeting November 24, 2008
B.    Current Bills
C.    Personnel
D.    Consideration of a Gift from Mr. Lloyd Crull’s Memorial in the amount of $400 to the North Boone CUSD to be used for the FAA Greenhouse
E.    Consideration of a Donation from Mr. Randy Burn of a Cable-Nelson Spinet Piano for use at the North Boone Middle School for the Choral Program
F.    Consideration of Policy 4:80, Operational Services, Accounting and Audits
G.    Consideration of Policy 4:90, Operational Services, Activity Funds
H.    Consideration of Disposal of Miscellaneous Items: Severely Damaged Scraper Blade, Office Safe from Manchester Elementary, Old Metal Teacher’s Desk and Weight-Lifting Equipment
I.      Consideration of North Boone Transportation and Administration Building, Change Orders in the amount of -$1,217.25: PR#4, 4.1 - 4.3; PR#4, 4.3; PR#8, 8.1-8.2; PR#8, 8.3; PR#10, 10.1; PR#10, 10.2; PR#11, 11.1; SI#1, 1.1
J.     Consideration of Chess Club Field Trip Request: February 13-14, 2009 for Chess Club Meet in Peoria, IL
X.   Unfinished Business
  1. Update of North Boone High School Addition – Phase I Construction Project
  2. Update on Poplar Grove Addition Construction Project
  3. Update on Transportation / Administrative Center
  4. Update on North Boone Middle School Renovation
  5. Update on Transition Committee
  6. Strategic Plan: Implementation Schedule Version 1.0
  7. Strategic Plan Board Committees: Oversight Curriculum Committee and Technology Committee

Strategic Plan Reference
Objective 1:
100% of Students will be engaged in and successfully complete a relevant 21st Century PK12 curriculum model.
Objective 2:
100% of our staff and students will use technology for effective teaching and learning.
Strategy 1.
Plan #1: Curriculum
Strategy 3.
Plan #1. Pervasive Access
XI. New Business
A.    Consideration of Approval of 2008 Tax Levy
B.    NBCUSD ISAT, PSAE Achievement Scores: NBHS, NBMS, NBUE
C.    Technology: Financials, Goals and Short/Intermediate/Long Range Plans

Strategic Plan Reference
Objective 1:
100% of Students will be engaged in and successfully complete a relevant 21st Century PK12 curriculum model.
Objective 4:
100% of our staff and students will use technology for effective teaching and learning.
Strategy 1.
Plan #3: Technology
Strategy 3.
Plan #1. Pervasive Access
Plan #3. Curriculum Infusion
D.   Consideration of Side Letter A for a 403(b) Committee Prior to any Changes in the NBCUSD 403(B) Plan on behalf of North Boone Educational Support Staff
E.   Consideration of Side Letter B for a 403(b) Committee Prior to any Changes in the NBCUSD 403(B) Plan on behalf of North Boone Education Association
F.   Consideration of 403(b) Plan Resolution and Adoption Agreement
G.   Consideration of Farm Land Rental
XII. Executive Session
  1. Personnel
  2. Collective Bargaining
  3. Pending Litigation
XIII. Recommendations from Executive Session
  1. Personnel
  2. Collective Bargaining
  3. Pending Litigation
XIV.Announcements & Other Information
  1. Enrollment
  2. Discipline Reports
  3. Student Activity Fund Reports
  4. District Activities Calendar
XV. Adjournment
Groups audience: