Policy Committee Meeting

Primary tabs

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - 6:00pm
North Boone District Office
6248 North Boone School Road, Poplar Grove, IL 61065
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
6:00 P.M.
I.       Roll Call
II.      Audience to Visitors
III.     Consideration of Policy Recommendations from PRESS and legal counsel:
          2.70……Vacancies on the School Board – Filling Vacancies *
          2.125….Board Member Compensation; Expenses *
          2.160….Board Attorney *
          2.260….Uniform Grievance Procedure
          2.265….Title IX Grievance Procedure
          4.15……Identity Protection *
          4.40……Incurring Debt *
          4.70……Resource Conservation *
          4.80……Accounting and Audits
          4.140….Waiver of Student Fees
          5.100….Staff Development Program
          5.130….Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information *
          5.180….Temporary Illness or Temporary Incapacity *
          5.200….Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
          5.285….Drug & Alcohol Testing for School Bus & Commercial Vehicle
                       Drivers *
          5.310….Compensatory Time-Off *
          6.110….Programs for Students At Risk of Academic Failure and/or
                Dropping Out of School & Graduation Incentives Program*
   6.140….Education of Homeless Children
   6.150….Home and Hospital Instruction *
   6.230….Library Media Program
   7.170….Vandalism *
   7.20……Harassment of Students Prohibited
   7.185….Teen Dating Violence Prohibited
IV.      PRESS Plus Discussion
V.       Announcements/Discussions
VI.      Adjournment
* Denotes that the policy is unchanged. The Legal References, Cross References or Footnotes are updated in response to a five-year review.
Groups audience: