Regular Meeting of the Board of Education

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - 6:30pm
North Boone Community Unit School District #200
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
District Office
6248 North Boone School Road, Poplar Grove, IL 61065
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
6:30 PM
The Mission of the North Boone educational community is to provide a safe and
all-inclusive learning environment that prepares confident students
to be resilient for a future that is ever-changing.
I.       Call to Order by the President
II.      Roll Call by the Secretary
III.     Approval of Agenda
IV.      Audience to Visitors
Audience to Visitors is a time for community members and District employees to express a point of view, not to debate an issue. There will be a sign-up card for the public to identify their name, address, phone number, name of organization represented (if any), and a brief description of the topic to be addressed. A District 200 administrative staff member will follow up within 48 hours (if requested) if the issue needs to be discussed further. Comments are limited to 5 minutes. If multiple individuals wish to address the Board on the same subject; the group is encouraged to appoint a spokesperson (See Board Policy 2:230).
V.       Treasurer's Report
VI.      Superintendent's Report
VII.     Committee Reports
  • Policy Committee - Next Meeting:  TBD
  • Business Services Committee - Meeting held on June 11, 2024, Next Meeting:  August 13, 2024 (tentative)
  • Facility/Long Range Planning Committee - Meeting held May 21, 2024, Next Meeting: TBD
  • C.I.A. Committee - Next Meeting:  TBD
VIII.    Consent Agenda
The Board on an individual basis, prior to the meeting, has reviewed all of these items. All financial reports are available for review by the public in the Business Office. Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and will be enacted by the Board as one motion.
A.  Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 14, 2024
B.  Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of May 28, 2024
C.  Personnel
D.  Minutes of the C.I.A. Committee Meeting of May 8, 2024
E.  Minutes of the Policy Committee Meeting of May 8, 2024
F.   Minutes of the Facilities/Long Range Planning Committee Meeting of
      May 21, 2024
G.  Minutes of the Business Services Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024
H.  Hazardous Bus Routes
I.   1st Reading of Policies
J.  Overnight Field Trip Request
K.  2024-2025 Drive Right Contract
L.  Approval of 2024-2025 Parent-Student Handbook
IX.      Unfinished Business
A.  Finance Update
B.  Strategic Plan Update
X.       New Business
A.  June 2024 Bills
B.  July 2024 Board Meeting
C.  Approval to Pay July 2024 BIlls
D.  Approval for District Sealcoating
E.  Approval of ATM at High School
F.  Approval of Newsletter Publication
XI.      Executive Session
A.  Personnel
XII.     Recommendations from Executive Session
XIII.    Announcements & Other Information
A.  FOIA Log
B.  Enrollment
C.  Student Activity Fund Reports
XIV.     Adjournment
Public Attachments: 
Groups audience: