V. Treasurer's Report.pdf | 109.19 KB |
V. Finance Update.pdf | 522.59 KB |
VIII. A-Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting on February 18, 2025.pdf | 211.32 KB |
VIII. B-Personnel.pdf | 108.67 KB |
VIII. C-Minutes of the C.I.A. Committee Meeting on February 26, 2025.pdf | 180.47 KB |
VIII. D-Minutes of the Business Services Committee meeting on February 26, 2025.pdf.pdf | 155.34 KB |
VIII. E-First Reading of Policy 4.60 Purchases and Contracts.pdf | 110.83 KB |
VIII. F-North Boone & Illinois Community College District No. 511 Running Start 2025-2026 Intergovernmental Agreement.pdf | 462.82 KB |
VIII. G-North Boone & Rock Valley College Dual and Articulated Credit MOU 2025-2026 School Year.pdf | 155.2 KB |
VIII. H-North Boone & Illinois Community College District No. 511 Career Pathways Jump Start 2025-2026 Intergovernmental Agreement.pdf | 257.32 KB |
VIII. I-North Boone & Illinois Community College District No. 511 Senior Semester Program 2025-2026 School Year.pdf | 216.34 KB |
VIII. J-Overnight Field Trip Request.pdf | 195.94 KB |
IX. A - 2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban.pdf | 137.65 KB |
IX. A - 2.110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers.pdf | 127.12 KB |
IX. A - 2.120 Board Member Development.pdf | 121.15 KB |
IX. A - 2.140 Communications To and From the Board.pdf | 148.3 KB |
IX. A - 4.10 Fiscal and Business Management.pdf | 125.79 KB |
IX. A - 4.30 Revenue and Investments.pdf | 135.85 KB |
IX. A - 4.40 Incurring Debt.pdf | 147.67 KB |
IX. A - 4.150 Facility Management and Building Programs.pdf | 105.65 KB |
IX. A - 4.160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds.pdf | 70.92 KB |
IX. A - 4.170 Safety.pdf | 122.75 KB |
IX. A - 4.190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program.pdf | 146.43 KB |
IX. A - 5.10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment.pdf | 129.63 KB |
IX. A - 5.20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited.pdf | 133.9 KB |
IX. A - 5.30 Hiring Process and Criteria.pdf | 136.27 KB |
IX. A - 5.35 Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act.pdf | 113.47 KB |
IX. A - 5.90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting.pdf | 135.24 KB |
IX. A - 5.120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest.pdf | 140.54 KB |
IX. A - 5.125 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct.pdf | 148.33 KB |
IX. A - 5.150 Personnel Records.pdf | 103.22 KB |
IX. A - 5.230 Maintaining Student Discipline.pdf | 96.04 KB |
IX. A - 6.20 School Year Calendar and Day.pdf | 128.91 KB |
IX. A - 6.60 Curriculum Content.pdf | 124.08 KB |
IX. A - 6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development.pdf | 131.3 KB |
IX. A - 6.135 Accelerated Placement Program.pdf | 105.8 KB |
IX. A - 6.270 Guidance and Counseling Program.pdf | 107.48 KB |
IX. A - 6.340 Student Testing and Assessment Program.pdf | 117.23 KB |
IX. A - 7.10 Equal Educational Opportunities.pdf | 140.09 KB |
IX. A - 7.100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students.pdf | 133.5 KB |
IX. A - 7.160 Student Appearance.pdf | 98.48 KB |
IX. A - 7.165 School Uniforms.pdf | 98.46 KB |
IX. A - 7.180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment.pdf | 153.62 KB |
IX. A - 7.200 Suspension Procedures.pdf | 130.84 KB |
IX. B-Community Newsletter.pdf | 352.29 KB |
IX. C-Farmland Agreements.pdf | 193.88 KB |
X. A-Approval of March 2025 Bills.pdf | 414.88 KB |
X. B-Athletic Director.pdf | 156.14 KB |
X. C-Resolution Regarding Reduction in Force of Certified Staff (Athletic Directors).pdf | 153.97 KB |
X. D-School Resource Officer.pdf | 920.09 KB |
X. E-Approval of 2025-2026 Student Fees.pdf | 350.05 KB |
X. F-Approval of 2025-2026 Lunch Fees.pdf | 178.7 KB |
X. G-Action from Policy 2.210.pdf | 142.46 KB |
X. H-Approval of 2025 Summer School.pdf | 105.86 KB |
X. I-Approval to Purchase Wrestling Mats from Resilite.pdf | 1.34 MB |
XII. A-FOIA Log.pdf | 68.63 KB |
XII. B-Enrollment.pdf | 77.44 KB |
XII. C-MES Activity Account February 25.pdf | 47.78 KB |
XII. C-MS Activity Account February 25.pdf | 30.1 KB |
XII. C-HS Activity Account February 25.pdf | 48.01 KB |
XII. C-PGE Activity Account February 25.pdf | 13.82 KB |
XII. C-UE Activity Account February 25.pdf | 210.51 KB |