Attachment | Size |
V. Treasurer's Report.pdf | 107.64 KB |
V. Finance Update.pdf | 524.2 KB |
VII. A-Minutes Regular Board Meeting on January 28, 2025.pdf | 214.79 KB |
VIII. B-Personnel.pdf | 98.84 KB |
VIII. C-Mintues of the C.I.A. Committee Meeting on January 14, 2025.pdf | 181.76 KB |
VIII. D-Minutes of the Business Services Committee Meeting on January 14, 2025.pdf | 145.41 KB |
VIII. E-Minutes of the Policy Committee Meeting on February 4, 2025.pdf | 119.72 KB |
VIII. F-Minutes of the Facility-Long Range Planning Committee Meeting on February 4, 2025.pdf | 145.79 KB |
VIII. G-2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban.pdf | 118.31 KB |
VIII. G-2.110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers.pdf | 107.8 KB |
VIII. G-2.120 Board Member Development.pdf | 100.42 KB |
VIII. G-2.140 Communications To and From the Board.pdf | 156.67 KB |
VIII. G-4.10 Fiscal and Business Management.pdf | 141.19 KB |
VIII. G-4.30 Revenue and Investments.pdf | 135.08 KB |
VIII. G-4.40 Incurring Debt.pdf | 140.27 KB |
VIII. G-4.60 Purchases and Contracts.pdf | 110.83 KB |
VIII. G-4.150 Facility Management and Building Programs.pdf | 104.56 KB |
VIII. G-4.160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds.pdf | 80.13 KB |
VIII. G-4.170 Safety.pdf | 121.65 KB |
VIII. G-4.190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program.pdf | 155.14 KB |
VIII. G-5.10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment.pdf | 125.27 KB |
VIII. G-5.20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited.pdf | 133.18 KB |
VIII. G-5.30 Hiring Process and Criteria.pdf | 141.13 KB |
VIII. G-5.35 Compliance with Fair Labor Standards Act.pdf | 115.11 KB |
VIII. G-5.90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting.pdf | 134.53 KB |
VIII. G-5.120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest.pdf | 139.89 KB |
VIII. G-5.125 Personal Technology and Social Media; Usage and Conduct.pdf | 144.39 KB |
VIII. G-5.150 Personnel Records.pdf | 111.8 KB |
VIII. G-5.230 Maintaining Student Discipline.pdf | 95.39 KB |
VIII. G-6.20 School Year Calendar and Day.pdf | 138.58 KB |
VIII. G-6.60 Curriculum Content.pdf | 123.58 KB |
VIII. G-6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development.pdf | 149.54 KB |
VIII. G-6.135 Accelerated Placement Program.pdf | 104.16 KB |
VIII. G-6.270 Guidance and Counseling Program.pdf | 89.95 KB |
VIII. G-6.340 Student Testing and Assessment Program.pdf | 108.66 KB |
VIII. G-7.10 Equal Educational Opportunities.pdf | 115.87 KB |
VIII. G-7.100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students.pdf | 113.87 KB |
VIII. G-7.160 Student Appearance.pdf | 107.47 KB |
VIII. G-7.180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment.pdf | 153.04 KB |
VIII. G-7.200 Suspension Procedures.pdf | 129.3 KB |
VIII. G-8.10 Connection with the Community.pdf | 86.79 KB |
VIII. H-Overnight Field Trip Request.pdf | 299.61 KB |
VIII. I-2025-2026 District Contract with Drive Right.pdf | 939.14 KB |
IX. A-Abatement.pdf | 180.02 KB |
IX. B-10-Year Life Safety.pdf | 267.15 KB |
IX. B-10-Year Life Safety - Attorney Response.pdf | 488.44 KB |
X. A-Approval of February 2025 Bills.pdf | 463.26 KB |
X. B-Approval of 2025-2026 Student Fees.pdf | 257.02 KB |
XII. A-FOIA Log.pdf | 67.8 KB |
XII. B-Enrollment.pdf | 76.89 KB |
XII. C-Middle School Activity Account December 2024.pdf | 30.58 KB |
XII. C-Capron Elementary Activity Account January 2025.pdf | 107.01 KB |
XII. C-High School Activity Account January 2025.pdf | 52.19 KB |
XII. C-Manchester Elementary Activity Account January 2025.pdf | 48.29 KB |
XII. C-Middle School Activity Account January 2025.pdf | 30.71 KB |
XII. C-Poplar Grove Elementary Activity Account January 2025.pdf | 13.76 KB |
XII. C-Upper Elementary Activity Account January 25.pdf | 180.26 KB |
Attachment | Size |
V. Treasurer's Report.pdf | 18.67 KB |
VIII. A-Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of May 14, 2024.pdf | 211.05 KB |
VIII. B-Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of May 28, 2024.pdf | 122.08 KB |
VIII. C-Personnel.pdf | 119.05 KB |
VIII. D-Minutes of the C.I.A. Committee Meeting of May 8, 2024.pdf | 122.29 KB |
VIII. E-Minutes of the Policy Committee Meeting of May 8, 2024.pdf | 117.36 KB |
VIII. F-Minutes of the Facility-Long Range Planning Committee Planning Meeting of May 21, 2024.pdf | 149.44 KB |
VIII. G-Minutes of the Business Services Committee Meeting of June 11, 2024.pdf | 143.48 KB |
VIII. H-Hazardous Bus Routes.pdf | 824.91 KB |
VIII. I-2.40 Board Member Qualifications - 1st Reading.pdf | 81.54 KB |
VIII. I-2.60 Board Member Removal from Office - 1st Reading.pdf | 63.31 KB |
VIII. I-2.140 Communications To and From the Board - 1st Reading.pdf | 102.5 KB |
VIII. I-2.260 Uniform Grievance Procedure - 1st Reading.pdf | 151.41 KB |
VIII. I-2.265 Title IX Grievance Procedure - 1st Reading.pdf | 147.23 KB |
VIII. I-2.270 Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited - 1st Reading.pdf | 184.15 KB |
VIII. I-4.20 Fund Balances - 1st Reading.pdf | 82.33 KB |
VIII. I-4.165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors - 1st Reading.pdf | 179.47 KB |
VIII. I-4.190 Targeted School Violence Prevention Program - 1st Reading.pdf | 102.4 KB |
VIII. I-5.10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment - 1st Reading.pdf | 223.64 KB |
VIII. I-5.20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited - 1st Reading.pdf | 135.5 KB |
VIII. I-5.100 Staff Development Program - 1st Reading.pdf | 131.77 KB |
VIII. I-5.120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest - 1st Reading.pdf | 139.78 KB |
VIII. I-5.300 Schedules and Employment Year - 1st Reading.pdf | 109.54 KB |
VIII. I-6.50 School Wellness - 1st Reading.pdf | 142.73 KB |
VIII. I-6.60 Curriculum Content - 1st Reading.pdf | 123.16 KB |
VIII. I-6.185 Remote Educational Program - 1st Reading.pdf | 152.05 KB |
VIII. I-7.10 Equal Educatinoal Opportunities - 1st Reading.pdf | 98.47 KB |
VIII. I-7.70 Attendance and Truancy - 1st Reading.pdf | 131.3 KB |
VIII. I-7.180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment - 1st Reading.pdf | 143.03 KB |
VIII. I-7.185 Teen Dating Violence Prohibited - 1st Reading.pdf | 127.02 KB |
VIII. J-Overnight Field Trip Request.pdf | 143.63 KB |
VIII. K-2024-2025 Drive Right Contract.pdf | 113.88 KB |
VIII. L-Approval of 2024-2025 Parent-Student Handbook.pdf | 1.39 MB |
IX. A-Finance Update.pdf | 220.94 KB |
IX. B-Strategic Plan Update.pdf | 392.27 KB |
X. A-June 2024 Bills.pdf | 406.68 KB |
X. B-July 2024 Board Meeting.pdf | 51.16 KB |
X. C-Approval to Pay July 2024 Bills.pdf | 51.18 KB |
X. D-Approval for District Sealcoating.pdf | 1.48 MB |
X. E-Approval of ATM at High School.pdf | 48.6 KB |
X. F-Approval of Newsletter Publication.pdf | 48.4 KB |
XIII. A-FOIA Log.pdf | 109.85 KB |
XIII. B-Enrollment.pdf | 71.92 KB |
XIII. C-CES April Activity Account.pdf | 57.69 KB |
XIII. C-CES May Activity Account.pdf | 39.95 KB |
XIII. C-HS May Activity Account.pdf | 50.57 KB |
XIII. C-MES April Activity Account.pdf | 47.89 KB |
XIII. C-MS May Activity Account.pdf | 32.69 KB |
XIII. C-UE May Activity Account.pdf | 193.77 KB |
Attachment | Size |
VII. Treasurer's Report.pdf | 39.55 KB |
X. A-Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of February 20, 2024.pdf | 194.97 KB |
X. B-Personnel.pdf | 98.55 KB |
X. C-Minutes of the Business Services Committee Meeting of February 13, 2024.pdf | 159.73 KB |
X. D-Minutes of the Facility-Long Range Planning Committee Meeting of February 27, 2024.pdf | 148.88 KB |
X. E-Minutes of the Policy Committee Meeting of March 6, 2024.pdf | 117.12 KB |
X. F-2024-2025 IHSA Membership Renewal.pdf | 74.22 KB |
X. G-2.20 Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification - 1st Reading.pdf | 112.15 KB |
X. G-2.110 Qualifications, Term and Duties of Board Officers - 1st Reading.pdf | 136.8 KB |
X. G-2.120 Board Member Development - 1st Reading.pdf | 106.27 KB |
X. G-2.200 Types of Board Meetings - 1st Reading.pdf | 160.55 KB |
X. G-3.50 Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent - 1st Reading.pdf | 88.87 KB |
X. G-4.10 Fiscal and Business Management - 1st Reading.pdf | 157.49 KB |
X. G-4.30 Revenue and Investments - 1st Reading.pdf | 175.76 KB |
X. G-4.60 Purchases and Contracts - 1st Reading.pdf | 139.08 KB |
X. G-4.90 Student Activity and Fiduciary Funds - 1st Reading.pdf | 123.89 KB |
X. G-4.130 Free and Reduced-Price Food Services - 1st Reading.pdf | 86.07 KB |
X. G-4.160 Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds - 1st Reading.pdf | 87.52 KB |
X. G-4.170 Safety - 1st Reading.pdf | 153.52 KB |
X. G-5.30 Hiring Process and Criteria - 1st Reading.pdf | 146.32 KB |
X. G-5.50 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition - 1st Reading.pdf | 170.3 KB |
X. G-5.90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting - 1st Reading.pdf | 168.81 KB |
X. G-5.120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest - 1st Reading.pdf | 176.01 KB |
X. G-5.150 Personnel Records - 1st Reading.pdf | 128.51 KB |
X. G-5.190 Teacher Qualifications - 1st Reading.pdf | 100.91 KB |
X. G-5.200 Term and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal - 1st Reading.pdf | 143.91 KB |
X. G-5.210 Resignations and Retirement - 1st Reading.pdf | 109.45 KB |
X. G-5.220 Substitute Teachers - 1st Reading.pdf | 125.93 KB |
X. G-5.250 Leaves of Absence - 1st Reading.pdf | 148.59 KB |
X. G-5.330 SIck Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves - 1st Reading.pdf | 179.97 KB |
X. G-6.15 School Accountability - 1st Reading.pdf | 125.91 KB |
X. G-6.20 School Year Calendar and Day - 1st Reading.pdf | 102.76 KB |
X. G-6.30 Organization of Instruction - 1st Reading.pdf | 102.02 KB |
X. G-6.50 School Wellness - 1st Reading.pdf | 175.84 KB |
X. G-6.60 Curriculum Content - 1st Reading.pdf | 155.87 KB |
X. G-6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development - 1st Reading.pdf | 105.98 KB |
X. G-6.230 Library Media Program - 1st Reading.pdf | 130.9 KB |
X. G-6.270 Guidance and Counseling Program - 1st Reading.pdf | 110.21 KB |
X. G-6.280 Grading and Promotion - 1st Reading.pdf | 115.93 KB |
X. G-7.50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools - 1st Reading.pdf | 167.26 KB |
X. G-7.60 Residence - 1st Reading.pdf | 154.23 KB |
X. G-7.70 Attendance and Truancy - 1st Reading.pdf | 166.91 KB |
X. G-7.160 Student Appearance - 1st Reading.pdf | 122.3 KB |
X. G-7.190 Student Behavior - 1st Reading.pdf | 193.93 KB |
X. G-7.250 Student Support Services - 1st Reading.pdf | 142.25 KB |
X. G-7.270 Administering Medicines to Students - 1st Reading.pdf | 186.01 KB |
X. G-7.285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program - 1st Reading.pdf | 139.18 KB |
X. G-7.290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention - 1st Reading.pdf | 146.71 KB |
X. G-7.345 Use of Education Technologies; Student Data Privacy and Security - 1st Reading.pdf | 114.99 KB |
X. G-8.30 Visitors to and Conduct on School Property - 1st Reading.pdf | 166.37 KB |
X. H-Overnight Field Trip Request.pdf | 75.91 KB |
XI. A-Strategic Plan Update.pdf | 240.41 KB |
XI. B-Finance Update.pdf | 255.74 KB |
XI. C-High School Bathroom Project.pdf | 933.1 KB |
XII. A-March 2024 Bills.pdf | 699.9 KB |
XII. B-Resolution Regarding Reduction in Force of Certified Staff (Teachers).pdf | 160 KB |
XII. C-2024 Summer School.pdf | 192.94 KB |
XII. D-Addition of TOSA (Teacher on Special Assignment).pdf | 85.44 KB |
XII. E-10-Year Life Safety Audit.pdf | 176.67 KB |
XV. A-FOIA Log.pdf | 99.88 KB |
XV. B-Enrollment.pdf | 71.52 KB |
XV. C-CES Activity Account - February.pdf | 21.04 KB |
XV. C-HS Activity Account - February.pdf | 51.51 KB |
XV. C-MES Activity Account - February.pdf | 47.88 KB |
XV. C-MS Activity Account - February.pdf | 26.74 KB |
XV. C-PGE Activity Account - February.pdf | 120.42 KB |
XV. C-UE Activity Account - February.pdf | 57.61 KB |
Attachment | Size |
V. Treasurer's Report.pdf | 114.49 KB |
VIII. A - Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, February 21, 2023.pdf | 216.78 KB |
VIII. B - Personnel.pdf | 102.84 KB |
VIII. C - Minutes of the C.I.A. Meeting, March 1, 2023.pdf | 121.83 KB |
VIII. D - Consolidated District Plan.pdf | 2.09 MB |
VIII. E - IHSA Membership Renewal.pdf | 80.65 KB |
IX. A - Strategic Plan Update.pdf | 226.84 KB |
IX. B - 2.100 Board Member Conflict of Interest.pdf | 88.45 KB |
IX. B - 2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban.pdf | 200.27 KB |
IX. B - 2.210 Organizational School Board Meeting.pdf | 162.55 KB |
IX. B - 2.265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure.pdf | 203.83 KB |
IX. B - 4.10 Fiscal and Business Management.pdf | 174.92 KB |
IX. B - 4.140 Waiver of Student Fees.pdf | 180.99 KB |
IX. B - 4.165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors.pdf | 180.42 KB |
IX. B - 5.20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited.pdf | 190.03 KB |
IX. B - 5.120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest.pdf | 217 KB |
IX. B - 5.220 Substitute Teachers.pdf | 146.77 KB |
IX. B - 5.250 Leaves of Absence.pdf | 172.52 KB |
IX. B - 5.280 Duties and Qualifications.pdf | 171.59 KB |
IX. B - 5.320 Evaluation.pdf | 166.28 KB |
IX. B - 5.330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves.pdf | 189.55 KB |
IX. B - 6.15 School Accountability.pdf | 159.58 KB |
IX. B - 6.20 School Year Calendar and Day.pdf | 148.86 KB |
IX. B - 6.50 School Wellness.pdf | 200.38 KB |
IX. B - 6.60 Curriculum Content.pdf | 192.4 KB |
IX. B - 6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development.pdf | 150.63 KB |
IX. B - 6.250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers.pdf | 170.4 KB |
IX. B - 6.255 Assemblies and Ceremonies.pdf | 156.31 KB |
IX. B - 6.260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs.pdf | 150.05 KB |
IX. B - 6.310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Subsitutions; Re-Entering Students.pdf | 192.24 KB |
IX. B - 6.340 Student Testing and Assessment Program.pdf | 162.71 KB |
IX. B - 7.50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools.pdf | 182.19 KB |
IX. B - 7.70 Attendance and Truancy.pdf | 190.87 KB |
IX. B - 7.100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students.pdf | 181.1 KB |
IX. B - 7.180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment.pdf | 213.37 KB |
IX. B - 7.190 Student Behavior.pdf | 212.93 KB |
IX. B - 7.250 Student Support Services.pdf | 160.35 KB |
IX. B - 7.285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program.pdf | 156.76 KB |
IX. B - 7.290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention.pdf | 183.41 KB |
IX. B - 7.340 Student Records.pdf | 170.37 KB |
IX. C - Purchase of Phone System.pdf | 4.97 MB |
X. A - March 2023 Bills.pdf | 71.11 KB |
X. B- K-4 Science Resource.pdf | 115.99 KB |
X. C-2023 Summer School.pdf | 114.25 KB |
X. D - District Surplus Items.pdf | 52.6 KB |
X. E - High School Fees.pdf | 81.15 KB |
XIII. A - FOIA Log.pdf | 610.7 KB |
XIII. B - Enrollment.pdf | 72.37 KB |
XIII. C - Student Activity Fund Reports - Feb - MES.pdf | 49.26 KB |
XIII. C - Student Activity Fund Reports - Jan - MS.pdf | 31.44 KB |
XIII. C - Student Activity Fund Reports - Feb - UE.pdf | 209.12 KB |
XIII. C - Student Activity Fund Reports - Jan and Feb - NBHS.pdf | 110.64 KB |
Attachment | Size |
V. December 2022 Treasurer's Report.pdf | 79.35 KB |
V. January 2023 Treasurer's Report.pdf | 114.49 KB |
VIII. B - Personnel - 2nd Revision.pdf | 106.49 KB |
VIII. A - Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting 01-17-23.pdf | 204.61 KB |
VIII. C - Minutes of the Joint Business Services & Facilities Committee Meeting - February 7, 2023.pdf | 157.94 KB |
VIII. D - 2.100 Board Member Conflict of Interest.pdf | 88.45 KB |
VIII. D - 2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban.pdf | 200.27 KB |
VIII. D - 2.210 Organizational School Board Meeting.pdf | 162.55 KB |
VIII. D - 2.265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure.pdf | 203.83 KB |
VIII. D - 4.10 Fiscal and Business Management.pdf | 174.92 KB |
VIII. D - 4.140 Waiver of Student Fees.pdf | 180.99 KB |
VIII. D - 4.165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors.pdf | 180.42 KB |
VIII. D - 5.20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited.pdf | 190.03 KB |
VIII. D - 5.120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest.pdf | 217 KB |
VIII. D - 5.220 Substitute Teachers.pdf | 146.77 KB |
VIII. D - 5.250 Leaves of Absence.pdf | 172.52 KB |
VIII. D - 5.280 Duties and Qualifications.pdf | 171.59 KB |
VIII. D - 5.320 Evaluation.pdf | 166.28 KB |
VIII. D - 5.330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves.pdf | 189.55 KB |
VIII. D - 6.15 School Accountability.pdf | 159.58 KB |
VIII. D - 6.20 School Year Calendar and Day.pdf | 148.86 KB |
VIII. D - 6.50 School Wellness.pdf | 200.38 KB |
VIII. D - 6.60 Curriculum Content.pdf | 192.4 KB |
VIII. D - 6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development.pdf | 150.63 KB |
VIII. D - 6.250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers.pdf | 170.4 KB |
VIII. D - 6.255 Assemblies and Ceremonies.pdf | 156.31 KB |
VIII. D - 6.260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs.pdf | 150.05 KB |
VIII. D - 6.310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Subsitutions; Re-Entering Students.pdf | 192.24 KB |
VIII. D - 6.340 Student Testing and Assessment Program.pdf | 162.71 KB |
VIII. D - 7.50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools.pdf | 182.19 KB |
VIII. D - 7.70 Attendance and Truancy.pdf | 190.87 KB |
VIII. D - 7.100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students.pdf | 181.1 KB |
VIII. D - 7.180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment.pdf | 213.37 KB |
VIII. D - 7.190 Student Behavior.pdf | 212.93 KB |
VIII. D - 7.250 Student Support Services.pdf | 160.35 KB |
VIII. D - 7.285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program.pdf | 156.76 KB |
VIII. D - 7.290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention.pdf | 183.41 KB |
VIII. D - 7.340 Student Records.pdf | 170.37 KB |
VIII. E - CEANCI Intergovernmental Agreement Addendum.pdf | 106.52 KB |
IX. A - Strategic Plan Update.pdf | 309.44 KB |
IX. B - 2022 Audit.pdf | 396.25 KB |
X. A - February 2023 Bills.pdf | 88.16 KB |
X. B - Approval of 2023-24 Academic Calendar.pdf | 201.59 KB |
X. C - Consultants.pptx | 82.7 KB |
X. D - Purchase of Lawn Mowers.pdf | 279.88 KB |
X. E - Purchase of Phone System.pdf | 1.06 MB |
XIII. A - FOIA Log.pdf | 73.67 KB |
XIII. B - Enrollment.pdf | 49.29 KB |
XIII. C - MS December Activity Fund Report.pdf | 57.49 KB |
XIII. C - UE December Activity Fund Report.pdf | 204.53 KB |
XIII. C - CES January Activity Fund Report.pdf | 57.62 KB |
XIII. C - MES January Activity Fund Report.pdf | 39.12 KB |
XIII. C - UE January Activity Fund Report.pdf | 199.33 KB |
Attachment | Size |
2.100 Board Member Conflict of Interest.pdf | 91.22 KB |
2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban.pdf | 166.97 KB |
2.210 Organizational School Board Meeting.pdf | 80.42 KB |
2.265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure.docx.pdf | 153.48 KB |
4.10 Fiscal and Business Management.pdf | 182.14 KB |
4.140 Waiver of Student Fees.pdf | 160.68 KB |
4.165 Awareness and Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Grooming Behaviors.pdf | 148.71 KB |
5.120 Employee Ethics; Code of Professional Conduct; and Conflict of Interest.pdf | 181.01 KB |
5.20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited.pdf | 176.97 KB |
5.220 Substitute Teachers.pdf | 136.48 KB |
5.250 Leaves of Absence.pdf | 166.42 KB |
5.280 Duties and Qualifications.pdf | 137.03 KB |
5.320 Evaluation.pdf | 133.73 KB |
5.330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves.pdf | 166.17 KB |
6.15 School Accountability.pdf | 126.24 KB |
6.20 School Year Calendar and Day.pdf | 159.4 KB |
6.50 School Wellness.pdf | 160.27 KB |
6.60 Curriculum Content.pdf | 211.23 KB |
6.65 Student Social and Emotional Development.pdf | 142.69 KB |
6.250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers.pdf | 139.66 KB |
6.255 Assemblies and Ceremonies.pdf | 153.48 KB |
6.260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs.pdf | 135.52 KB |
6.310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences; Course Substitutions; Re-Entering Students.pdf | 155.84 KB |
6.340 Student Testing and Assessment Program.pdf | 133.55 KB |
7.50 School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools.pdf | 147.31 KB |
7.70 Attendance and Truancy.pdf | 157.46 KB |
7.100 Health, Eye, and Dental Examinations; Immunizations; and Exclusion of Students.pdf | 156.59 KB |
7.180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment.pdf | 185.86 KB |
7.190 Student Behavior.pdf | 230.74 KB |
7.250 Student Support Services.pdf | 136.21 KB |
7.285 Anaphylaxis Prevention, Response, and Management Program.pdf | 137.44 KB |
7.290 Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention.pdf | 194.84 KB |
7.340 Student Records.pdf | 143.1 KB |
7.60 Residency.pdf | 154.68 KB |