05. Treasurer's Report - March 2020.pdf | 544.58 KB |
05. Signed Treasurer's Reports - Oct 2019-Jan 2020.pdf | 7.73 MB |
07. 2020-03-11 Business.pdf | 129.02 KB |
07. 2020-03-11 Facility.pdf | 15.04 KB |
08. A-2020-03-16 Minutes Regular Board Meeting.pdf | 243.79 KB |
08. B-2020-04-13 Minutes - Special.pdf | 125.12 KB |
08. C-Consent Personnel Listing.pdf | 96.85 KB |
08. D-Board Conference Expense.pdf | 55.26 KB |
09. A-.Second Reading and Approval of Policies.pdf | 111.07 KB |
09. A-2.20 Powers and Duties of the School Board.pdf | 198.06 KB |
09. A-2.70 Vacancies on Board of Education - Filling Vacancies.pdf | 191.39 KB |
09. A-2.100 Board Member Conflict of Interest.pdf | 186.95 KB |
09. A-2.105 Ethics and Gift Ban.pdf | 215.04 KB |
09. A-2.110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers.pdf | 203.24 KB |
09. A-2.200 Types of School Board Meetings.pdf | 206.77 KB |
09. A-2.220 School Board Meeting Procedures.pdf | 205.09 KB |
09. A-2.260 Uniform Grievance Procedure.docx.pdf | 213.12 KB |
09. A-4.15 Identity Protection.pdf | 195.15 KB |
09. A-4.30 Revenue and Investments.pdf | 308.15 KB |
09. A-4.60 Purchases and Contracts.pdf | 198.22 KB |
09. A-4.80 Accounting and Audits.pdf | 200.63 KB |
09. A-5.10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment.pdf | 211.92 KB |
09. A-5.20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited.doc.pdf | 211.15 KB |
09. A-5.30 Hiring Process and Criteria.pdf | 284.43 KB |
09. A-5.50 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannibis Prohibition.pdf | 288.44 KB |
09. A-5.90 Abused Neglected Child Reporting.pdf | 281.67 KB |
09. A-5.100 Staff Development Program.pdf | 87.73 KB |
09. A-5.120 Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest.pdf | 200.19 KB |
09. A-5.250 Leaves of Absence.pdf | 208.93 KB |
09. A-5.290 Employment Termination and Suspensions.pdf | 196.07 KB |
09. A-5.330 Sick Days Vacation Holidays and Leaves.pdf | 214.8 KB |
09. A-6.60 Curriculum Content.pdf | 291.85 KB |
09. A-6.150 Home and Hospital Instruction.pdf | 185.56 KB |
09. A-6.300 Graduation Requirements.pdf | 249.2 KB |
09. A-7.20 Harrassment of Students Prohibited.pdf | 209.44 KB |
09. A-7.150 Agency and Police Interviews.pdf | 190.71 KB |
09. A-7.180 Preventing Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment.pdf | 226.04 KB |
09. A-8.30 Visitors to and Conduct no School Property.pdf | 277.23 KB |
09. B-UE Cafeteria Doors.pdf | 11.39 KB |
09. C-UE Carpeting.pdf | 10.84 KB |
09. D-CES Sewer.pdf | 180.89 KB |
10. A-Bills Paid - April 2020.pdf | 11.92 KB |
10. A-Bills Payable - April 2020.pdf | 41.73 KB |
10. B-Summer School Budget.pdf | 93.71 KB |
10. B-Summer School 2020.pdf | 904.13 KB |
10. C-Technology Plan for BOE.pdf | 251.64 KB |
10. D-Community Service Hours.pdf | 111.17 KB |
10. E-Highland Community College Dual Credit.docx.pdf | 511.75 KB |
10. F-Spring Refunding.pdf | 5.78 KB |
10. G-Hiring of Social Worker.pdf | 4.45 KB |
10. H-Hiring of PE Teacher.pdf | 140.54 KB |
10. I-Hiring of UE Head Cook.docx.pdf | 123.18 KB |
10. J-Hiring of District Maintenance Repair Person.docx.pdf | 327.2 KB |
13. A-2019-2020 Enrollment - February.pdf | 21.51 KB |
13. A-2019-2020 Enrollment - March.pdf | 21.5 KB |
13. B-CES - February 2020.pdf | 202.06 KB |
13. B-HS - February 2020.pdf | 36.85 KB |
13. B-MES - February 2020.pdf | 190.38 KB |
13. B-MES - March 2020.pdf | 11.13 KB |
13. B-PGE - February 2020.pdf | 304.08 KB |
13. B-PGE - January 2020.pdf | 303.95 KB |
13. B-UE - February 2020.pdf | 28.63 KB |
13. B-UE - March 2020.pdf | 36.16 KB |
13. C-2019-2020 FOIA Log.pdf | 420.39 KB |